Delivery — Bon Petit
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Vi kör just nu en majrea 😍 Spara 20-93% på nästan allting 🚀
Vi kör just nu en majrea 😍 Spara 20-93% på nästan allting 🚀


We strive to deliver your package at the highest speed, often exceeding the calculated delivery time. By becoming a member you can enjoy even faster delivery. Choosing products at the membership price provides a shorter delivery time than choosing the regular price.

We prioritize member orders and pack them first, which ensures faster delivery compared to orders that are not members. Your Bon Petit orders will be delivered to your door via a selected shipping provider (distributed private delivery) or to an optional package store (without distribution). Members can expect a delivery time of 2-4 working days for in-house stock items. Remote storage articles can take up to 14 working days for delivery, but we often exceed this estimated time. Members' orders on distance warehouses are prioritized and packed before non-member orders at regular price.

If you choose an order with a regular price, please count on a delivery period of 25-30 business days. You can check stock status for your product and its location on the website but also your order confirmation. If the item is at a distance, it will be indicated on the right side of your order confirmation.

For members, the first order comes with free shipping (SEK 0), while non-members will be charged SEK 59 for delivery to private address. Members will also be charged SEK 59. For delivery to a private address and SEK 59. for delivery to a package store. However, for a member's first order is delivery to a package store for free.

For customized products with unique properties such as personal names or texts, expect up to about 14 working days for delivery, as the product must be produced first. However, we often exceed this estimated delivery time. For more information about our Terms, see our website, or contact our friendly customer service via e-mail or phone for more information about your specific order and expected delivery time.

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