Swimming pool 80 cm Alfie, Wave Therapy
The Filibabba bathing pool is the perfect bathing pool, until all the små drenge the bare elsker at lege i vand. The bathing pool he holdt i en rolig blå farve, the med garanti vil minde dig om havet. Badebassinet vil være så fint ude i jeres have, before you hele summeren vil kunne nyde barnelatter, når først børnene får lov til at lege i deres Filibabba Badebassin.
100% Miljøvenligt PVC
Fri for BPA and phthalates
Size: 35 x 80 cm
Alder: 3+ år
Et trygt swimming pool from Filibabba
The bathing pool from Filibabba indeholder hverken BPA eller phthalater, so you can være helt tryg ved, at the barn leger is sitting kemifri bathing pool from Filibabba. Samtidig he the bathing pool outside in mild PVC, so you brighter than anything else with that bathing pool.
With the opustelige kanter, som et filibabba bathing pool have, you have the helt optimal tryghed for the barn, som barnet have brug for når han skal lege i vand. Samtidig giver de oppustelige kanter også dit barn en fantastic comfort, fordi barnet kan læne sig op af de bløde kanter uden de falder sammen.
Filibabba pool i Wave Therapy
The bathing pool gives the most important thing in the haven, for som navnet nok antyder, so he det ren terapi at kigge on top of the bathing pool. The bathing pool is held in a red colour, so the transmitter is direct and to have it before you can hear it bølgeskvulp. På this bathing pool he der små søde sejlbåde, som dit barn vil nyde at side and kigge på, mens barnet bliver kølet ned i vandet.
Sådan bør du bruge dit Filibabba bathing pool
You should have a house, at the end of the barn there is a bathing pool in Filibabba, so the barn should be old and under opsyn af en voksen. And the bathing pool is not available and there is a living product, and therefore you should be able to do it on the barn.
Derudover bør you altid kun fylde the bathing pool with the mængde vand, which he attached to barnets Alder and størrelse. Når you puster dit Filibabba Badebassin op he det vigigt at you puster det helt op, og at you gør det manuelt. Hvis you bruger højtryksluft risikerer you nemlig, at Badebassinet eksploderer.