Swimming pool 150 cm Alfie, Fresh Violet
Hvis you have nogle vandglade børn derhjemme, so he dette bathing pool helt perfectly. Badebassinets højde og bredde gør, at which he plads til more børn, store som små. Dette Filibabba bathing pool he holdt i sode lilla og lyserøde nuancer, som giver et sødt udtryk til haven på en warm summer day. The start of the television program at the family pigs is always in the Filibabba bathing pool in Lyserød, purple and pink.
100% Miljøvenligt PVC
Fri for BPA and phthalates
Size: 35 x 150 cm
Alder: 3+ år
Tryg leg for børn i all aldre med Filibabba bathing pool
With the bathing pool from Filibabba skaber you rammer for tryg leg, velvety med at dine børn kan have det rigtig sjovt. Filibabba's bathing pool has an impressive edge, som gør at barnet opnår in god tried and comfort, when barnet is casual is the bathing pool from Filibabba.
The bathing pool is made of 100% mild PVC material, so that it contains BPA or Phthalater so that the barn can be used, and you should be worried about the barnet bliver and that for nogle former for farlig kemi. Samtidig kan du med god samvittighed købe et Filibabba Badebassin, fordi det ikke skader miljøet.
Filibabba bathing pool i Fresh Violet
The bathing pool in Fresh Violet from Filibabba valley is direct to all the small pigs that are bare Elsker de Lilla and Lyserøde Farver. Med et Badebassin i barnets favorite farver inspirerer you barnet til, at lege I vandet på de warm days, så barnet kan blive kølet ned. Et Filibabba Badebassin i Fresh Violet vil give vandet in lyserød color on the basis of bunden the vil skinne igen, som born vil elske at lege roundt i.
Sådan bør du bruge dit Filibabba bathing pool
Når dit barn leger i et Filibabba Badebassin, he det rigtig vigigt at barnet he under opsyn af en voksen, da Badebassinet ikke he et living product. Derudover it depends on you not having more than one bathroom in the bath tub, after which it applies to and the Alder and størrelse som dit barn har.
Når Filibabba bathing pool pustes op, he det vigigt at that gøres manually, because high tryksluft can få bathing pool to at eksplodere. Therefore, it is important at the edge of the bath tub that pushes against it, so that it is open to the beds attempted and comfort.