Filibabba Pacifier holders — Bon Petit
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Filibabba Pacifier holders

  • Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00

    Napphållare - Moss grön

    In stock

    Napphållare - Moss grön

    Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00
  • Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00

    Napphållare - Färsk violett

    In stock

    Pacifier cord, Fresh VioletAt Filibabba, the focus is on the baby equipment being sustainable. That is why Filibabba has become a GOTS-certified de...

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    Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00
  • Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00

    Napphållare - Korall

    In stock

    Suttesnor, CoralDen fineste suttesnor, i den fineste koral farve passer helt perfectly, til barnet som elsker koral farver. The vil være fin, till ...

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    Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00
  • Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00

    Napphållare - Lerigt blått

    In stock

    Dummy cord, Muddly BlueThe finest pacifier cord, in the most beautiful blue color, fits perfectly for the child who loves blue. It will be nice, fo...

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    Original price 15.00 €
    Original price £15.00 - Original price £15.00
    Original price £15.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £15.00
    Current price £7.00
  • Original price 14.00 €
    Original price £14.00 - Original price £14.00
    Original price £14.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £14.00
    Current price £7.00

    Napphållare, forest floor rose

    Low stock

    Dummy cord, Forest Floor RoseThe cotton textiles found in this product are sustainably produced, just like all other products with cotton textiles ...

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    Original price 14.00 €
    Original price £14.00 - Original price £14.00
    Original price £14.00
    7.00 €
    £7.00 - £14.00
    Current price £7.00

Philbabba Sutesnor < /span>

Philbabba is a Danish Bäreddig Virksomed, where designer quality rig products to Børnefamilier Verden Over. Filibabba has the few successes among the Mange Børnefamily because of. Deres multifunctional and baithful products, which sides a smil on the lone at both Børn and Voksne, and not mind, the best improperly in Enhver. The child's decay can be kept a Philbabba product in the Händerne at the little gold lump, when the products are 100 percent free for various forms for sundhed -damaging chemicals, thus the child will not receive a negative gear, while the use of the product.

Philbabba Designer products of the best materials, which have a Høj Quality, thus the product Være in Family in Mange years, and can be inherited. Filmbabba designer products to a whole Scandinavia, og derudover a long Række other land on the Verdensplan. The Bäredige Virksomhed uses 100 percent Øcological boom gold, thus they say that they have been positive on the planet, which you with you to give a research on the Verdensplan, thus can form the Product with a good consent for a good deal.

Philbabba Designer The Most Broken Border Styles, which are Signally Multifunctionelle, thus VILL Filibabba's products for the child over a long period, when the product will want to be the child's udvikling. : // > a suttesnor from filbabba you perfectly for the family of the families Philbabba sutesnor is perfect for the families of the families, which trip with guarantee WILL BLIVE et Kæmpe Hit. The most mindful can not avoid their sut, not struggled on the Udflyten, therefore your Suttesnoren perfectly. Sutesnoren gave it to the child to have he or he had to do his side the whole of the uddflow. The child is not to tabe his grit sut, when the southern exerts in the leash under the whole uddflugten. The Udflugten is therefore always here, the sufficient form for problems due to. Filibabba Sutesnor.

Give where children a bite and quality sutesnor from filbabba

do you at Give there children a shitty and quality -rig suttesnor, so Filibabba Suttesnor with guarantee Falde in your Smag. Filibabba Sutesnor has the best quality, when it is the forefront of the best and the most severe materials, which results in a beautiful and lækkert design, where it is the best in one in one.

Philbabba Sutesnor is Ekstremt Bäredsgtig, when Suttesnoren's stof is 100 percent Øcological boom gold. The Økologe boom gold is 100 percent environmental, and indoors no forms for dangerous og sundhedom chemicals, thus may be able to try to tildle dees little gold lump a nice Sutesnor from Philbaba.

Philbabba sutesnore gives the day of a pift of the fucking farmer Philbabba sutesnore will be for some time give the other day a pift with the scolding with a harmony and harmony. Sutesnorene has the Finest Farver, which contributes to the best energy of Enhver. Sutesnorene is obtained both in neutral og iøjenfallene farver, thus there is always a sutes after the child and the smag forces.

Suttesnorene will be there always pass to the child's outfit because of. The neutral, but steady Iøjnefalndende farmer. Filibabba Sutesnore will to the extent that Falde in the Smagen of Enhver, simultaneously with the fact that Trække on the smile in both Børn and Voksne. UDOVER it will be sutesnorene gøre everyday and not mind the uddflugterne to it, and not mindful problem free.

With a Philbabba Suttesnor, you can be completely sicker on, that the sutt never becomes again. Where you will not reach the sutt, the southern will be and the child griets, it can be completely unequal that would find the sout in such a situation. Therefore, with a sutes from Philbabba, you can say that the southern is always in the Nærheden of your baby.

A Philbabba Suttesnor has a Klemme of Træ, which you can get stuck in Babys Tøj. At the same time, a Philbabba sutes in the Spirit has a silicone, which you can get stuck in. On the mood you can Holde controls the child's sut, on a flot and elegant mood.

an Øcological and scanned sutes to where children With a filbabba sutesnor you can be completely sicker on, that where children are not blossomed for enough harmless Stoffer. A Sutesnor from Philbabba is the Preish in 100% Øcological boom gold, which at the same time is given the certificate. On the one, you also feel the sibling a stingy producer Sutesnor to there children.

Klemmen on the Suttesnoren is a nickel-free metal clip, which you are attached to a trap. At the same time, the ring to the Sutten Premselet in Chemistry Silikone.

Suttesnor with Klemme af TRA> on Philbabba sutesnor there is a cleme of træ, who is that children may not come to their sutes. The trap has a blød overflade, which is not to come to Rive where the child, what the child would have barrels in it. Therefore, you get a huge scanning as you have to be browned by Børn.