Activity rugs
What are the benefits of an activity rug?
There are many advantages to an activity rug, and you probably won't be able to avoid admitting that an activity rug is indispensable when you have a child. An activity rug is absolutely perfect when your child needs to be active, but it can also be used for many other things. You've probably already heard that a baby should lie on his stomach a lot when he or she is awake. Here is an activity rug that is really good to train this with.
It can be difficult to find out how much baby should lie on the back, but a good rule of thumb is that a baby should lie on the stomach as much as he or she lies on the back during the waking hours. It is really important that a baby lies on its stomach, because the child needs to exercise both its back and neck. When the child trains its back and neck muscles, the baby learns to hold its head up by itself, then to be able to sit on its own and finally to be able to walk.
It can be very difficult to get a baby to lie on the stomach, and a baby will very quickly become dissatisfied with lying there. Here, an activity blanket is a really good idea, because the child has the opportunity to lie down and look at all kinds of toys with funny sounds and shapes. An activity blanket allows a baby to entertain itself, albeit for a short time. An activity blanket can give parents the much-needed break, which can be difficult to get when you have a small baby.
When you have an activity rug for your baby, you can take a little break with a clear conscience, because your child will develop a lot when he or she lies on his or her activity rug. On an activity blanket for babies, your child can lie down and explore colors, shapes and feel different materials, and in this way develop his senses.
When can you use an activity blanket?
Already when your baby is around five to six weeks old, he or she will start to find an activity rug enormously interesting. It is important to remember that babies at this age can quickly become overstimulated, and therefore the amount of toys must be limited at first. You will quickly be able to see from your baby how curious he or she is about his surroundings, and how much fun the child will think it is to lie on an activity rug and look around.
Once your child has shown an interest in the environment and different toys, it is a good time to introduce the child to an activity rug. It will of course vary greatly from child to child when he or she is ready for an activity blanket, but by paying attention to your child's interests, you will easily find out when your child is ready for an activity blanket.
You can use an activity blanket for as long as your baby finds it interesting. When your child doesn't think it's fun anymore, it's time to replace the activity mat with some new toys. Children will often lose interest in an activity rug when he or she starts to be able to move around on their own.
Which activity mat is best?
When you have to choose an activity rug for your child, it is very much about where your child is in development. An activity rug can seem very violent for your child if the child is not ready for it yet. However, if your baby is more than ready, you can easily buy an activity blanket with music, which is guaranteed to catch your child's attention.
The most traditional activity rugs, however, are those that have hangers on which you can hang different toys that the child can lie on and have fun with on their activity rug.